We at canUmeet are committed to constantly improve our scheduling features which will be of real help for users. One of the features is to Show Hide Navigation Bar.
canUmeet provides a feature in your public page where you can choose to either show or hide Navigation Bar. You can turn this feature on or off according to your suitability.
Lets guide you on how to enable or disable this setting from your homepage. Once the signup and login process is completed, you will be redirected to your Dashboard page.
On the top right corner of your homepage, click on profile picture where you can find group of settings.
Click on Account Settings.
A pop up window shows up where you can find settings option for either profile or Public page:
- General Settings
- Password
- Image/Logo
- Timezone
Click on the ‘PUBLIC PAGE’ tab in the window which is next to the PROFILE Tab and then click on ‘General Settings’.
Moving forward, you are now provided with a set of options which are:
- Allow users to message you.
- Allow users to suggest time.
- Show or hide navigation bar.
From these set of options, move to Show or Hide Navigation bar option.
Now, if you want to show your navigation bar, click on the toggle button to set Yes and enable this feature.
If for any reason, you don't want users to suggest time for booking, click on toggle button again to disable.
If you want these changes to take effect, finally click on the Save button.
Choose this feature, according to your suitability. If you have any queries or suggestions regarding this feature, please feel free to contact us at support@canumeet.com