The canUmeet application provides you with a flexibility to integrate your appointments or booking on Google Calendar, Outlook , Office 365 and iCloud Calendar .
This knowledge base focuses totally on how to book a time in your Calendar and later how to book yourself for some event. So, lets start finding you a time in my Calendar for some particular event. :)
Lets start with assumption that you have my public page link and want to book a time with me. Once you access my public page link, what you see on your screen is my public page and the list of events that I have created whose availability I am sharing.
- Select event from the list of event for which you wanted to book time. Lets say I am selecting event "Interview" , click on it.
You will now be redirected to the Scheduling page, which displays event name, event description, event duration and also the location of selected event.
From the screenshot below, we can see that I am available on all the weekdays and weekends. If there is an unavailability for a particular day, on the right side of that particular day, it will be showing as Unavailable.
Note: If you want to change your availability you can do so by editing your event from the events page. -
Lets book a time on Friday . Moving forward, take your mouse over to the selected day and click on it.
- A window pops up which provides you a list of time slots available according to your availability. Lets select a slot 01:20 PM - 03:43 PM .
- We are here on the final step, where you enter full name and email address. Finally click on Schedule Event button.
canUmeet currently has four calendar integrations.
- Google Calendar
- Outlook Calendar
- Office 365 Calendar
- iCloud Calendar
Choose any of the calendar integration option and save your event.
Now there may be a possibility that from the list of suggested times, you don't find any suitable time. Don't worry about that at all then!!
Once you are on the page where you are selecting your time slots, on the bottom corner of your window there will be a Suggest another time button. Click on the button.
You will be now seeing a list of options that is needed to be filled.
- Timezone
- Suitable time slot
- Your name
- Your email address
- A short Message describing possible slot
Once filled with all the details, click on Send Message button.
And its done! :)
If you have any queries or suggestion regarding this features, please feel free to contact us at !!! We would love to help you and implement your suggestions if any.